ALL SPORTS - Highlight Hub 2.0
The Highlight Hub is a great place to visit to be able to search highlights for you, your friends, teammates, opponents, schools etc. all in one place. The Highlight Hub is accessible for
any and everyone, even people who are not QwikCut customers!
To check it out, please visit: Highlight Hub

IMPORTANT FOR QWIKCUT USERS: You must ensure that when you are creating your highlight that the box is selected to share in the Highlight Hub. If it is not selected, it will not be shared to the public on the highlight hub.
When viewing a highlight, you will see the following things:

- Banner - will have the name/title of the highlight, date the highlight was published and amount of views
- Icons in bottom left - thumbs up (like), heart (love), flame (on fire!)
- Icons in bottom right - download this highlight, share this highlight, copy a link to highlight, share to Facebook, share to Twitter.
- Download this highlight - by clicking this icon, a new window will show up in your browser with a video. RIGHT CLICK the video and click SAVE VIDEO AS. YOU WILL HAVE ACCESS TO THIS FOREVER, as long as you do not delete it off your computer. To view the download, click on it and the highlight will open and play in the default program set for your computer/laptop.
- Email this highlight - by clicking this icon, depending on your computer settings, it may launch a 3rd party application such as mail, outlook, gmail, yahoo, etc. and will enter the subject of your name - Video Highlight - Powered by QwikCut, and in the body of the email it will provide you a link ready to be sent.
- Copy link to highlight - by clicking this icon, a link will be copied to your clipboard and a green success box will generate in the bottom left corner of your screen that disappears after 5 seconds.
- To paste the copied link: right click on your mouse and click paste and you will see your link pasted.
- Windows computers: you can also use the keyboard function of pressing Ctrl + V at the same time and it will paste the link.
- Mac computers: you can use the keyboard function of pressing Command + V at the same time and it will past the link.
- Share to Facebook - by clicking this icon, a new window will open. It may require you to log into your Facebook account with email and password. If you are already logged in, your name and photo will appear and allow you to free text about the highlight you are sharing.
- You can share to your news feed (which will appear on your Facebook and all friends can view) or share to your story (which will remain for 24 hours).
- Once you have decided on where you want to share it to, be sure to click post to Facebook at the bottom!
- You can change your audience by clicking the word 'Friends' towards the bottom right of the screen, but the auto preference will be friends.
- Share to Twitter - by clicking this icon, a new window will open. It may require you to log into your Twitter account with email and password. If you are already logged in, your photo will appear with the link viewable. Be sure to click Tweet for your highlight to be shared!
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