BASKETBALL - How to move games, scout games and practice to different season - 2.0

BASKETBALL - How to move games, scout games and practice to different season - 2.0

This can be done from the  My Video page AND the Manage Video page.

From My Video:
Locate the game, scout game or practice that you are wanting to move:

Click on the game and then click the edit/pencil icon:

Make sure the information is correct and then click Season. Then change to the season you would like to move this game to.

Once you are finished making your edits, click submit and the game, scout game, or practice will be permanently removed from the current season and moved to your selected season:
  1. This is NOT a copy feature. If you are looking on how to make a copy of a game, scout game, or practice, please visit BASKETBALL - How to create a copy of a game, scout game, or practice.
To confirm the move was successful, find the folder of which the season is located in.
  1. Please note: anything that was listed under the game such as playlists, scout games or practices will automatically be moved to the Misc/Exchanged Games folder in the season that the game was moved from.