BASKETBALL - My Video Page Icons 2.0
The first button you will find is the add button at the very top. Clicking this will give you two options:
The two options are to create an event, or a new folder:
Clicking New Event will open a Create New Game screen. Fill out the information here to create a new game:
Clicking New Folder will open a window that will allow you to create a new folder. This is helpful for organizing games:
The next buttons you will find are to the right of season folders. Seasons are the highest form of ordering information in the My Video tab:
The arrow will refresh the season. If you make a change and you don't see it appear, click this button to refresh it. The plus button is the same as the Add button above, more specifically it will add the game or folder under that specific season:
Under seasons you will find folders. Folders created by users have three options on the right side of the screen:
- The pencil will allow you to edit the folder details such as name or date.
- The Trash Can will allow you to delete the folder.
- The plus button will show you four different options.
- New game will allow you to create a game under this folder.
- Hudl Import will have a similar screen to the create game button, the difference being that you paste a Hudl Import Link at the bottom of the page.
- The New Folder icon will allow you to create a new folder under the current folder.
- New Playlist will allow you to create a new playlist with the following screen that shows up:
The next icons you will find are for games. There are 4 icons to the right:
- The Arrow Button will allow you to download the game's video. You can choose to include the stats in your download. Select Merged and click submit You will receive an email with your download link.
- The pencil will allow you to edit the game's details.
- Hide From Athletes - This button allows you to hide the game from your athletes. After clicking on it, the button will turn red, letting you know that the game is hidden.
- The gear icon will show a list of options:
- You will get a new screen clicking the Move Game button. Select the folder you would like to move the game to
- The copy game button will show the same screen as above. The difference being that instead of moving the game, it will create a second copy of the selected game in that location.
- Request stat breakdown will pop up the following screen. Select your package to get a complete stat breakdown for the selected game:

- Import Practice from Hudl or Import Scout Game from Hudl - You will see these icons appear all the way to the right of the practice and scout video. Depending which one you click on, you will have the Import Game from Hudl box appears and the type already selected:
- Edit or Intercut clip will allow you to match clips from different angles. It will also allow you to add certain clips to a game and order them. Check out the page about Intercutting clips to learn more.
- Cancel game will give you the option to cancel it, removing it.
- Contact Support - By clicking this, an email will auto-generate in whatever email service that you use. It will have already entered your email address (always confirm this is correct and accessible as this is how we will correspond with you), QwikCut Support email address, created a subject line (DO NOT CHANGE) that will help us identify the game/practice/scout film you are inquiring about. You can then free text in the body of the email anything that you would like, the more information you can provide, the better!
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