FOOTBALL - Filming Angles
There are currently 3 options that you can film and upload into the QwikCut Platform:
- Wide
- Endzone
- Tight
Whatever angle you filmed and uploaded to will always show in the bottom right corner of the video player as WI, EZ or TI.

Wide Angle
Video is shot at the 50 yard line to capture all 22 players:

End Zone Angle
Video is shot at the end zone with our 25 foot high tripod approximately 5 to 10 yards to the right or left of the goal post and 15 to 20 yards behind the yard line:

Tight Angle
Video is shot at the 50 yard line, zoomed in enough to capture the outside linebacker to outside linebacker:
Depending upon the angle that is shot is how you will upload into the platform; when it doubt, always upload to wide:
Once you select you angle when uploading, it will have the angle in parentheses:
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