FOOTBALL - How do I create my schedule for the season? 2.0

FOOTBALL - How do I create my schedule for the season? 2.0

Watch the Video Tutorial below to see how it works:

This will be done the same way as when you create an individual game but do this over and over again until you can see all of your games for the season under the My Video tab.
1.) Start by clicking the plus button on the right side of a folder and clicking New Game:

2.) The Create Game box will generate; select Game as the type and enter your opponent, check box if a Home Game, free text event info if applicable, select the date and time, then click on the submit button. 

3.) As you continue this process, your schedule will continue to grow under your games.

You can edit as needed during the season by clicking on the game name and clicking the pencil icon; this could be to edit the date, time, opponent, and location.
Once game is played, you can edit to enter the score.