Season Stats will be located under your My Team tab.
With season stats, you can show averages, export stats, view stat data on a scale of all games or individual games, by offensive/defensive/special teams.
Currently, you cannot modify what data will appear under Season Stats.
The information that will be displayed for Offensive will be listed by Player/Jersey number:
- Games
- Pass Comps
- Pass Attempts
- Pass Yards
- Pass TD's
- Intercepts Thrown
- Run Attempts
- Running Yards
- Yards Per Carry
- Run TDs
- Catches
- Targets
- Passes Dropped
- Rec Yards
- Yards Per Catch
- Rec TDs
- Fumbles Lost
- Pancakes
The information that will be displayed for Defensive/Special Teams will be listed by Player/Jersey number:
- Interceptions
- Fumbles Recovered
- Tackles
- Tackle Assist
- T Tackles
- TFLs
- Sacks
- Passes Defended
- Blocked Punts
- Blocked Field Goals
- Punts Rets
- Punt Ret Yards
- Kicks Rets
- Kick Ret Yards
- Punts
- Punt Yards
- FG Attempts
- FG Made
- PAT Attempts
- PAT Made
By clicking 'Show Averages', all of the information will show in a percentage, if not already, and this can be done for individual games or all games.
By clicking 'Export Stats', an excel document will be generated and downloaded to your computer. To open, click the item that is downloaded in the bottom left of your computer or locate it in your downloads folder.