This policy is the same for all sports of all levels. Once you check-in on the mobile app, you will then begin setting up your equipment. This is something that we take seriously and monitor very closely. If you have not checked-in on the mobile app, as a courtesy starting at 45 minutes you will receive a text message that states:
"Good morning/evening, this is Caitlin DeNoyer with QwikCut. If you have not already done so, please check in on the mobile app. This is a friendly reminder that QwikCut policy states you must arrive 45 minutes prior to your game(s) starting and check in on the mobile app. You will then begin setting up your equipment as needed. Thank you!"
At 30 minutes prior you will be sent an additional text message stating:
"30 minutes until game time - Please confirm that you have arrived at your field by checking in on the mobile app."
At 15 minutes prior you will receive a phone call, which is our 3rd and final attempt.

At this point, if you have not yet checked-in or responded via text/phone call, we will be sending someone else to your field to film and you will not be paid for your game(s). We cannot charge a team for a service that was not performed according to their signed contract and turn around to pay you.